Who we are
This website is brought to you by Ken Trombly, a lifelong magic enthusiast and longtime magic collector. Ken has been performing magic since the age of 10 - and has been a serious collector of magic posters and related items for at least the last couple of decades, when he began collecting original magic posters from the "Golden Age of Magic."
Ken has shared his knowledge of magic posters with the Magic Collectors Association, lecturing at their 1995 and 2000 conventions, and has given his slide show poster presentation to other magic clubs as well. He has written articles on magic posters and collecting that have been published in Paper Collectors Marketplace, Collectors Showcase, MUM and MAGIC magazines; and he authored the chapter on magic posters in the Poster Identification and Price Guide, 2nd ed. (1994, Tony Fusco, editor). Ken has been hired to appraise poster collections, and is available for that and related consulting services.
This website owes its existence to the expertise and hard work of Macky Hall, a gifted website designer who can be reached at www.commercelane.com.
Want list:
Vintage stone lithograph magic posters, especially those used by magicians in the late 1800's up through the 1920's.
Broadsides and playbills of magicians from the 19th century and earlier.
Other paper ephemera (letters, vintage photos and postcards, scrapbooks, trade cards, sheet music, door hangers, mirror cards, pinbacks, cigar boxes, prints and other graphic material) advertising or otherwise depicting early magicians.
Especially interested in the following magicians: Houdini, Alexander Herrmann , Leon Herrmann (both known as Herrmann the Great), Adelaide Herrmann, Harry Kellar, Howard Thurston, Karl Germain, Lafayette, Horace Goldin, Chung Ling Soo, Servais Leroy, Hardeen, Nicola and Robert-Houdin.
Also collecting stock magic posters and posters of lesser-known magicians.
Top prices paid for one item or an entire collection!