
Early poster, in an unusually small quarter sheet size. Framed.

"Witch, sailor and enchanted monkey"
The classic one sheet poster from Strobridge. Mounted.
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[Jansen/ ClassicStock litho]
f/c 3 sh. This was a Jansen poster originally,later used as a stock. Therefore quite early. L.
Leroy, Servais
(Friedlander) decapitation, 1/2 sh.
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Original poster art.Unusual.
Rajah Lucrows "The Roi Mystere"
lrg b/w 1 sh.
"The Weird Witches Cabinet", 1/2 sh.L. Superb image. SOLD
Servais Leroy- "Crate of illusions"
A 1/2 sheet by Friedlander, the Strobridge of Germany. Many of these ended up at Davenport's Magic Shop in London and were used to wrap bunches of books. This one actually shows a little wear around the middle that is consistent with that use - but has been nicely restored and so is ready for your wall. SOLD
Silent Mora
Louis McCord was a highly regarded vaudevillian. This is an extremely scarce one sheet.SOLD
[Spectacular Stock Poster]
Great Western 2sh. L.

All out of a Hat, 1 sh.
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Thurston "vignettes"
1908(Strobridge). This three sheet litho has everything you could hope for in a Thurston poster. This one has had a bit of restoration, but overall is in good shape.L.
Wong Toy Sun
English music hall posters mounted on paper.